85-B. Under Treasury Rule 37, until other provision is made by the Government in this behalf, moneys received in the United Kingdom on account of the revenues of the State may be paid into, and funds required for disbursements of or on behalf of the State in that country may be withdrawn from the balances in the Government Account of the Central Government in accordance, with such procedure as may be prescribed by or under the authority of the President for the transactions of the Central Government in the United Kingdom. These transactions shall be adjusted in India, at the earliest opportunity, against the balances of the Government Account of the State according to such directions as may be given in this behalf by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India with the approval of the President.

85-BB. Expenditure in England generally consists of payments on account of —

(1) Leave salaries and deputation pay,

(2) Sterling and overseas pay,

(3) Stores for India, and,

(4) Other charges.

Provision for these charges is made in the grant of the department concerned in the State budget under the minor head "Charges in England" with sub-heads mentioned above. Departmental offices controlling the expenditure under the heads affected, should advise the High Commissioner of the amounts required to be paid with necessary details, and also intimate the details of appropriation in the departmental grant of the State budget. The transaction when it is complete will be transferred to India through remittance account for adjustment against the State balances by the Accountant General (see also rules contained in Appendix XVIII regarding payment for stores purchased in England).

NOTE—In the case of Public Works Department provision for purchase of stores in England is made under a separate ‘suspense head’ in accordance with the provisions of Appendix XIV of the Financial Handbook, Volume VI.

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