Classes of establishment

103. (i) The establishment of the department is divided into permanent and temporary.

F.D.C. 6. F.M.V. 6.

NOTE—Labourers are not included in the term "Establishment." For rules regarding labourers see paragraphs 122—128.

(ii) Permanent establishment includes all government servants of whatever rank who are required for the ordinary administration of the forests, and who are employed for the whole year and year after year. Their pay and allowances will be charged under the appropriate primary units and items subordinate to the minor heads A—General Direction and C—Establishment.

(iii) Temporary establishment comprises government servants who are required to strengthen for a time the permanent staff; their pay and allowances will be charged to appropriate primary units and items subordinates to the minor heads A—General Direction, B—Conservancy and Works or C—Establishment. For instance, those employed on departmental timber operations will be charged to primary units B-I—"Timber and other produce removed from the forests by Government agency"; and those entertained for the collection of revenue derived from timber and other produce removed from the forests by consumers or purchasers will be entered under primary unit B-2.

(iv) The powers of the Chief Conservator and conservators to sanction posts and transfer posts from one circle, division or office to another are detailed in the Forest Manual and Volume I of the Handbook.

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