Rules for the safe carriage of Government money
1. Ordinarily the cashier, where appointed in any office, should be entrusted with the handling of cash. However where no cashier is appointed or available only responsible persons should be entrusted with the carriage of Government money. For this purpose the term "responsible persons" should be deemed to include the following Government servants subject to the limit specified in each case up to which money can be entrusted to them :—
(a) A permanent peon or a temporary peon of at least 2 years service, up to Rs. 500.
(b) A permanent peon of at least 10 years service or two ordinary peons one of which should be of at least 2 years service, up to Rs. 1,500.
(c) Two permanent peons or an official in permanent service of Government who has furnished adequate security, up to Rs. 3,000.
(d) A permanent official who has furnished adequate security and a peon in all other cases.
Exception—In the case of temporary Divisions, Sub-Divisions of works departments temporary offices generally manned by temporary staff, where arrangements as prescribed above are not possible, the following staff would be considered the minimum escort required for the carriage of money :—
(a) A temporary peon of at least one years’ service, up to Rs. 500.
(b) An official of at least one years’ service who has furnished a security of not less than Rs. 500 and a peon, up to Rs. 3,000.
(c) One senior subordinate of the office and a peon in all other cases.
2. In special or emergent cases, the responsible authority many deviate from the above rule, but in all case he will be responsible for taking such precautions for the safety of the money as are possible in the circumstances.