FORM No. 35
(See Chapter XIII, paragraph 311)
(To be used for "final payments" to contractors on lumpsum contracts)
Cash Book Voucher no. , dated , 19 .
Name of Contractor—
Name of work—
Serial number of this Bill—
Number and date of his previous bill for this work—
Reference to Agreement no.
Sub-work, sub-head or item of work |
Amount |
Remarks |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Rs. |
p. |
A—Value of work done up-to-date on lumpsum excluding additions and alterations. |
Lumpsum |
Total-A |
Carried over |
Total brought forward. |
B—Value of additions and alterations. |
Lumpsum |
1—Additions |
Deduct II— |
Commissions— |
Total value of work done to date (A and B) (in words) F. |
I CERTIFY that the work has been completed in accordance with the prescribed specification and drawings, and after taking into account all the authorized additions and alterations, the value of the work done up-to-date, conformably, with the terms of the contractor’s agreement is Rs. _____.
Dated Signature of the Certifying Officer_____ |
Dated signature of contractor_____ |
Rank_____ |
Rs. |
p. |
1. Total value of work done up-to-date as per entry "F" of Account I of this Bill |
*2. Dedect—(1) Up-to-date intermediate payment already made as per entry "K" of account I of last Bill no. dated |
(2) Ten per cent of total value of work done [see rule (2) paragraph 311] |
Balance payable |
3. Payment now to be made as detailed below : |
(a) By recovery of amounts on account of liquidated and ascertained damages |
(b) By recovery of amount due under clause _____of the contract (vide details attached) |
In cash |
*This entry may be kept blank in cases where a 10 per cent deduction is not stipulated in the terms of the Contract, or intermediate payment are not admissible.
Pay Rs. (Rupees only) _____________
( Dated signature and rank of officer authorizing payment. )
Received Rs. (Rs. only) as above, in full settlement of all demands on account of the contract referred to on reverse.
Date_____ |
Stamp |
†Witness_____ |
Full signature of contractor
Paid by me |
_______________________________ |
Dated initials of person actually making payment. |
†Payment should be attested by some known person, when the payee’s acknowledgment is given by a mark, seal or thumb-impression.