Register of detailed bills of contingent expenditure Countersigned by.....
Designation of the Drawing and Disbursing Officer.....year.....
Serial No. |
Number and date of the Abstract Contingent bill |
Amount of the Abstract Contingent bill |
Brief description of the purpose for which amount is drawn |
Vouchers no. and date |
Date of receipt of detail contingent bill in the office |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Details of Head of Account |
Appropriation for each head of Accountant |
Total |
Description of disallowed (—) re-allowed (—) sub-vouchers alongwith no. etc. |
Amount |
Net Amount Allowed |
Initials of the Controlling Officer |
Date of despatch to the Accountant General |
Remarks |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Form 42-J inserted vide C. S. no. 91 dated 06-04-198