Place of Payment

121. Under paragraph 42-F pay bills are ordinarily payable only at the Treasury of district in which the claim arises.

Exception—(1) The members of the Board of Revenue may draw their pay and allowances from the Lucknow Treasury instead of their headquarters Treasury at Allahabad.

The Sub-Divisional Officer, 1st Sub-Division of the Narora Division, Irrigation Department, draws his own pay and travelling allowance bills As well as those of his sub-division from the Aligarh Treasury instead of his headquarters Treasury at Bulandshahr.

Exception—(2) An officer deputed by this Government to attend the session of the Parliament may, at his option, draw his pay for complete months and also for a broken period of a month when admissible, e.g. when he proceeds on leave out of India without returning to his permanent headquarters, either from the Treasury at the station where the session is held or from his permanent headquarters Treasury.

Exception—(3) Forest officers may cash cheques on account of their pay at any Treasury within their jurisdiction provided that the pay for the same month is not drawn in more than two parts at different Treasuries and that one part is always drawn at the headquarters Treasury. They will, however, draw only one pay bill in a month but may draw two cheques thereon.

NOTES—(1) "When a Gazetted Government servant, whose duty requires him to travel about on inspection, desires to receive payment of his claims at a place where he is on tour, he shall send his bill to the Treasury Officer at his headquarters duly receipted and stamped, and endorsed as ‘pay by Bank draft encashable at _____________, to be sent by registered post.’ He shall also make an application to the Treasury Officer, alongwith the bill, inter alia specifying therein the address to which the Bank draft may be sent by the Treasury Officer. The Treasury Officer shall then arrange to send the Bank draft by registered post, the expenses incurred on postage (including registered charges) being treated as normal expenditure on correspondence of the Treasury."

(2) A register shall be maintained in each Treasury for recording the particulars of Bank Drafts sent to officers according to the said rule in the form given below :

Serial number

Name and designation of the officer

Date of application

Number of the Officer’s pay register (give page number also)

Number of the Bank draft and date of its receipt and other particulars

Signature of the Treasury Officer

Date of despatch

Signature of the Treasury Officer

Number and date of acknowledgment

Signature of the Treasury Officer











121-A. Gazetted Government servants, allowed to recess in the hills during the hot weather, or required to accompany the headquarters of Government to a hill station, should ordinarily draw their pay and allowances from the Treasury at the hill station, during the period of recess or the stay of Government in the hills. Any such Government servants who wish to continue to draw their bills from the Treasury at their permanent headquarters in the plains may, however, do so, provided they inform the Accountant General and the Treasury Officer concerned accordingly before the first bill is presented. An option thus once exercised cannot be changed in the middle of the recess period in any year. A fresh intimation should be sent to the Accountant General and the Treasury Officer concerned every year.

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