
153. Contingent charges incurred in connection with transaction of Government business are divided into the following classes :

(a) Contract contingent charges, i.e. those for which a lump sum is allotted annually by Government within which the Government servant may incur expenditure as required without further sanction of any kind. They generally consist of charges the annual incidence of which can be averaged with reasonable accuracy.

(b) Charges regulate by scales, such as rewards for destruction of wild animals, etc.

(c) Special contingencies, i.e. charges whether recurring or non-recurring, which cannot be incurred with out the previous sanction of superior authority.

(d) Contingencies of heads of departments and other officers, passed on fully vouched bills which do not require counter-signature.

(e) All contingent charges which cannot be dealt with under clauses (a), (b), (c) or (d) above ; these must be dealt with as countersigned contingencies, i.e. charges which are controlled and reviewed by heads of offices and departments, the control usually taking the form of countersignature after payment on a monthly bill submitted to the Accountant General.

NOTE—The classification under the above heads of the contingent charges of the several departments and officers in this State will be found in appendices B—F of the Treasury Manual.

154. Subject to any orders of Government or controlling authority, a Government servant is allowed to draw money from the Treasury or from the Bank by cheque if so authorised for contingent expenses incurred in connection with transaction of Government business within the amount allotted to him in his budget estimate or otherwise. For ordinary expenses, previous sanction is not required, but other contingent charges should be incurred strictly in accordance with the rules and orders applicable to them. For instance, in the case of charges which are regulated by scales, previous sanction should be obtained for any departure from the scales; similarly, in the case of special contingencies the sanction of the competent authority should be obtained before a charge is incurred.

NOTES—(1) Detailed rules regarding payment of contingent bills by cheque are given in Appendix VII.

(2) The following officers have been authorised to draw cheques for payment of contingent bills :—

(i) Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Allahabad.

(ii) General Manager, Vibhuti Glass Factory, Ramnagar, Varanasi.

(iii) Nideshak, Soochna Avam Jan Sampark Vibhag, U.P.

155. The rules and orders indicating the powers of the Government, and those regulating the powers of the Heads of Departments and other subordinate authorities in respect of contingencies and other expenditure, will be found in the Book of Financial Powers, Volume I of the Handbook.

156. No pay of any kind and no additions to pay may be charged as contingent expenditure. The pays of employees belonging to any of the several classes enumerated in Annexure "A" to this chapter will, however, be drawn on contingent bills,

NOTES—(1) The whole-time Government servants who were paid from contingencies till March 31, 1947, and were (with effect from April 1, 1914), being treated as temporary and non-pensionable and also whole-time government servants paid from contingencies till March 31, 1947, who held permanent and pensionable posts (having been taken into service, before April 1, 1914, when the posts in question were pensionable) are, with the exception of certain employees in the household of the Governor mentioned in Annexure "A" to this chapter paid from establishment section of the budget with effect from April, 1, 1947.

(2) Subject to any general or specific orders issued by Government from time to time and subject to the condition that the rates of dearness and other allowances prescribed by Government are not altered in any way, drawing officer may employ additional men paid from contingencies or sanction alterations in the rates of pay of the existing employees paid from contingencies without reference to Government so long as the budget provision is not exceeded.

(3) The rule for recurring contigencies (vide paragraph 165) does not apply to contingent payments on account of establishment paid for under rule.

(4) Inferior servants employed temporarily for short periods in connexion with a held a camp or exhibition or on other such purely seasonal or occasional work should however, continue to be paid from contingencies and it is not necessary to create temporary posts for such employees.

157. Contingent charges incurred on account of the wages of coolies engaged on manual labour and paid at daily or monthly rates should be supported by a certificate signed by the disbursing officer to the effect that the coolies were actually paid for the period for which they were entertained inclusive of the period of notes, if any, given under paragraph 157-A. The Accountant General will call for some of the paid muster rolls (in Form no. 30-E) in each quarter and check them to see that they are properly maintained.

In the case of all other inferior servants a certificate in the following form should be furnished by the disbursing officer :

"Certified that all inferrior servants whose pay has been charged in this bill were actually entertained in the service of the Government during the period concerned."

157-A. The terms of engagement of daily rated labour in the employment of the Uttar Pradesh Government, who are paid at intervals of a week, fortnight or a month, should include express provision for a specified period of notice of termination of service except in the case of misconduct. But, labour employed for specific jobs or by way of substitutes will not be entitled to any notice ; in the case of the former, employment will terminate with the work and in the case of the latter on return of principals.

(2) The period of notice will be seven days in the case of personnel paid weekly and fourteen days in the case of those paid fortnightly or monthly. These will be the minimum periods of notice, and whenever provisions already exist prescribing a longer notice, such provision will be continued.

(3) In the absemce of an express provision for notice in the term of engagement in any case, the period of notice shall be as specified in the first sentence of sub-rule (2).

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