Payments of Grants-in-aid and Contributions
209. Grants-in-aid and contributions may be paid by cheque in cash, by transfer credit voucher or through a bill countersigned by the sanctioning authority or such other Government official as may be nominated for the purpose. All such bills, unless in any case Government direct otherwise, shall be prepared and vouched for by the grantees and presented to the countersigning authority as indicated above. Orders sanctioning the payment must be quoted on the bill in each case and grantees copy of the Government Order sanctioning the grant should also be attached to the bill. It is necessary that in every case an officer not below the rank of a drawing and disbursing officer is invariably nominated for disbursing the amount or countersigning the bill. The Treasury Officer shall refuse payment of all bills which do not bear the signature or counter-signature of the sanctioning authority or such other Government official as may be nominated in this behalf. Such bills will be drawn on Form no. 42-G.
NOTES(i) The officer nominated for the purpose will be responsible for maintenance of the grants-in-aid register as in Annexure A to this Chapter.
(ii) General rules for grants-in-aid are contained in Chapter XVI-A."
(iii) For payment of grants-in aid to Government Corporations, Boards and other Public Autonomous Bodies, the procedure laid down in Note I below Paragraph 223 should be followed.
(Correction Slip No. 43, dated February 28, 1984)
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File no. 19(I)/82]
209-A. Grant-in-aid to local bodies, religious charitable or educational institutions, educational scholarships etc., contributions to public exhibitions and fairs, and compensation to Government servants for accidental losses, etc. should be disbursed at the Treasury on the basis of the sanction accorded by the competent authority without the authorisation of the Accountant General (see also paragraph 209).
Compensation to non-gazetted Government servants will be drawn and disbursed by the drawing and disbursing officer. In the case of gazetted officers the bill will be countersigned by the departmental authority competent to countersign travelling allowance bills of the Government servants concerned. The drawing and disbursing officer in the case of non-gazetted Government servants and the countersigning authority in the case of gazetted officers should certify on the bill that the compensation has been sanctioned by the competent authority and that the concurrence of the Finance Department has been obtained where necessary.