242 Rules regulating the grant of Advances to Government servants and others are laid down in the following paragraphs :
Advances on personal account as provided in these paragraphs may be sanctioned to Government servants subject to the following additional conditions :
Advances may be sanctioned also to such temporary Government servants who have put in a temporary service of three years or more and have been working continuously since the date of their appointment :
(i) The sanctioning authority certifies that the Government servant has a proper and regular appointment (not on ad hoc basis on a temporary or permanent post of a properly sanctioned cadre not on contract basis).
(ii) His work and conduct has been satisfactory, and his integrity is certified, and no action regarding suspension and disciplinary proceedings etc. is being taken against him.
(iii) In respect of the advance for the purchase of bicycle or other conveyance, a permanent Government servant shall stand surety for the full repayment of the advance together with interest thereon by executing a bond in Form No. 25C, and
(iv) In case the advance is made for the purchase, repair of building (including purchase of site) of a house two permanent Government servants who are not likely to retire from service before the full repayment of the advance together with interest thereon is made, shall stand surety by executing a bond in Form No. 25-D. Later on, in case the concerned temporary Government servant is confirmed in service, the sureties of the permanent Government servants shall cease.
In cases not covered in this Chapter or those in Chapter X, advances cannot be made except under the special orders of Government.
(Correction Slip no. 27 dated 15-9-83)
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File no. 15(2)-80]
NOTE(1) It is not permissible to sanction an advance in circumstances in which expenditure from the revenues of the State is not permissible under any rule or order, provided that in any case where a cash grant would be within the powers of sanction of a particular authority the grant of an advance of an amount not exceeding that of the cash grant does not require the sanction of a higher authority.
NOTE(2) Simple interest at the rate specially fixed for the purpose by Government will be charged on advances granted to Government servants for house building and for the purchase of motor cars, motor boats, motor cycles and other conveyances and in certain circumstances for the payment of special passage advances made in England by the High Commissioner for India, vide exception 2 below the notes under paragraph 249(b) and of passage overseas, the grant of which is regulated by the rules laid down in paragraphs 244 to 247. Interest will be calculated on balances outstanding on the last day of each month.
In cases of recovery of installments through the Pay/leave salary bills, if the Government servant concerned is unable to present his claim in time for certain administrative reasons or for want of a pay slip from audit office, the deductions should in such cases be deemed to have been made in the month following the month to which the pay/leave salary relates irrespective of the actual date of its drawal.
In cases where the interest bearing advance is refunded in toto by the Government servant within a period of less than 30 days from the date of drawal, interest payable will be calculated on the basis of actual number of days for which the amount remained outstanding in that particular month/months.
Rule(1) When an advance is drawn in more than one instalment, the rate of interest recoverable is determined with reference to the date on which the first instalment is drawn.
Audit InstructionIn cases where pay bills for a month are paid before the end of the month, an instalment of an advance recovered through the pay bill will be taken as having been refunded on the first of the following month, the normal date for disbursement of pay.
Rule(2) In case of premature death of a Government servant, who had taken an interest bearing advance from Government, no interest should be recovered in respect of the period beyond the date of death of the Government servant on the amount of advance adjusted against death-cum-retirement gratuity or leave salary payable to his heirs or successors.
Note(3) The terms "pay" and "substantive pay" for the purpose of the rules contained in paragraph 244 to 250 include sterling overseas pay.
Note(4) Advances to permanent salaried industrial establishment of the Government Printing and Stationery Department, will continue to be governed by the rules in this Chapter and Chapter X..
242-A (a) Heads of Offices will effect recovery of the advances granted in accordance with the provisions of the rules in this chapter, and of interest, if any recoverable and see that the conditions attached to each advance are fulfilled,
(b) Detailed accounts in respect of individual advances, of which recovery is to be made in more than sixty instalments (advance paid under the paragraphs 244 to 246) will be maintained by the Accountant-General. In respect of these advances the Accountant General will verify the outstanding balance shown in the schedules of recovery with those worked out in his office every month and take up the matter with Drawing Officers, if there is any discrepancy. He will send to every Drawing Officer a communication confirming the correctness of the balances shown in the schedules of recovery appended to the bills for February paid in March, or pointing out discrepancy, if any, in the same,
(c) Heads of offices will maintain detailed accounts of advance sanctioned to Government servants in terms of the Paragraph 247 in this chapter,
(Correction Slip No. 35, dated September 15, 1983)
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File No. 15(2)/90]