Motor Cycle or Scooter

245-B. A servant may purchase a motor cycle scooter with an advance granted to him for the purchase of a motor-car, if he so desires, subject to the conditions regulating the grant of advances for the purchase of motor cycle scooter laid down in paragraph 246.

246. The Government, a Head of Department, a Secretary to Government and a District and Sessions Judge may sanction an advance to a Government servant for the purchase of a motor-cycle or scooter subject to the following conditions :

(1) Advance for the purchase of a Motor Cycle or Scooter may be sanctioned to the Government servants whose basic pay is Rs. 600 per month or more.

(C. S. No. 64, dated August 4, 1986.)

[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1 File No. 15(4)/75].

(2) That the advance is given only when the Government consider that it is for the convenient transaction of Government business that the Government servant should use a motor-cycle in the discharge of his duties.

246 (3) That the amount of advance does not exceed twelve month’s pay or Rs. 10,000 or eighty per cent of the anticipated price of the vehicle, whichever is least, if the actual price paid is less than the advance taken, the balance should be forthwith refunded to the Government.

C. S. no. 60, dated July 18, 1986

[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1 File no. 15 (4)/75]

(4) That the recovery is made by deducting monthly instalments equal to one-seventy second part of the advance actually drawn and utilized on the purchase of a motor-cycle or scooter from the pay bill of the Government servant concerned commencing with the first issue of pay after the advance is drawn, and that the amount of interest calculated in accordance with note 2 to paragraph 242 is recovered as laid down in paragraph 244-D. The amount of the advance to be recovered monthly should be fixed in whole rupees except in the case of the last instalment when the remaining balance including any fraction of a rupee should be recovered.

(5) That, except when a Government servant proceeds on leave other than leave on average pay not exceeding four months or retires from the service of the Government or is transferred to a post, the duties of which do not render the possession of a motor-cycle necessary, the previous sanction of the Government is necessary to the sale by him of the vehicle purchased with the aid of an advance which with interest accrued in accordance with note 2 to paragraph 242 has not been fully repaid. If a Government servant wishes to transfer such a vehicle to another Government servant who performs duties of a kind that renders the possession of the vehicle necessary, the Government may permit the transfer of the liability attaching to the vehicle to the latter Government servant, provided that he records a declaration that he is aware that the vehicle transferred to him remains subject to the mortgage bond and that he is bound by its terms and provisions.

N.B.—In the case of Government servants recruited to the State, specialist and subordinate services on or after January 1, 1936, the term "leave on average pay not exceeding four months’’ occurring in this rule shall be taken to mean "earned leave not exceeding 120 days.’

(6) That in all cases in which a vehicle is sold before the advance received for its purchase from the Government with interest accrued in accordance with note 2 to paragraph 242 has been fully repaid, the sale-proceeds must be applied, so far as may be necessary, towards the repayment of such outstanding balance, and if the vehicle is sold on the instalment system, the borrowing Government servant must repay, in full the outstanding balance on receipt by him of the first instalment of the price. Provided that when the vehicle is sold only in order that another vehicle may be purchased, the Government may permit a Government servant to apply the sale-proceeds towards such purchase, subject to the following conditions :

(a) the amount outstanding shall not be permitted to exceed the cost of the new vehicle;

(b) the amount outstanding shall continue to be repaid at the rate previously fixed;

(c) the new vehicle must be insured and mortgaged to the Government as required by these rules.

NOTE—The last sentence of paragraph 245-A and paragraphs 245-E, 245-F and 245-J to 245-N apply to this paragraph also.

246-A. Advance to a whole-time regular government servant whether temporary or permanent, whose monthly pay is rupees Four hundred or above may be sanctioned by authorities mentioned in paragraph 246 for the purchase of a moped or auto-cycle. The maximum amount of advance admissible should not exceed ten months’ pay or rupees 4,500 or eighty per cent of the anticipated price of the Vehicle, whichever is less.

In the case of those employees whose pay scales have not been revised or whose services were out of the jurisdiction of the Second Pay Commission or who have not opted the Pay Scales recommended by the Second Pay Commission the D.A. sanctioned up to 1-7-79 will also be treated as a part of the basic pay for eligibility for sanction of advance for the purchase of Moped/Auto-Cycle.

The amount of advance shall be recovered by making deductions from the monthly pay bills of the Government servant in a maximum number of seventy-two installments. The rates of interest to be levied in the advance shall be same as they are determined by the government from time to time for the advances for the purchase of a motor cycle or scooter.

(C. S. No. 70, dated 15-7-87.)

[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File No. 15(8)-84.]

Substitute the following for paragraph 246-A (as inserted vide C. S. no. 70 dated 15-07-1987):

246-A Advance to whole time regular state government servant whether temporary or permanent whose monthly basic pay is rupees eight hundred and fifty or above may be sanctioned by authorities mentioned in paragraph 246 for the purchase of a moped or autocycle. The maximum amount of advance admissible should not exceed 10 months pay or rupees 6,000/– or anticipated price of the vehicle, whichever is less.

In the case of those employees whose pay scales have been revised but have not been implemented or whose pay scales have not been revised or who have not opted the revised pay scales, the admissibility of advance for the purchase of moped/ auto–cycle, the basic pay will be treated the estimated amount adding the following items:–

(a) The admissible basic pay in the present pay scales.

(b) The D. A. admissible on 1.1.1986 on the above basic pay.

(c) Ad hoc D. A. admissible on 1.4.1986 on the above basic pay.

(d) The total amount of three instalments of interim relief received on the above basic pay.

Advance for the purchase of moped/ auto–cycle sanctioned earlier will not be reconsidered after fixation of pay in the revised pay scales.

The amount of advance shall be recovered by making deductions from the monthly pay bills of the government servant in a maximum number of seventy instalments and the rates of interest to be levied on the sanctioned advance shall be same as they are determined by the government from time to time for the advances for purchase of a motor cycle/scooter.

The second advance to government servants for purchase of moped/ auto–cycle may be sanctioned after a period of four years from the date of receipt of last motor vehicle advance.

C. S. No. 102 Dated 30–6–93

Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag–1 File no. 15 (8) / 84

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