Other Advances
249. Advances may also be made under the rules specified below :
(a) To a Government servant under orders of transfer or proceeding for higher studies or training at the instance of Government up to an amount not exceeding one months substantive pay plus the travelling allowance to which he may be entitled under the rules in consequence of the transfer etc. Such advances may be sanctioned by any authorities who should not ordinarily be of lower rank than the head of office in the department concerned. The advances should be recorded on the Government servants last-pay certificate. The advance of pay should be recovered from the pay of the Government servant in three equal monthly instalments beginning with the month in which a full months pay is drawn after the transfer etc. The advance of travelling allowance should be recovered in full on submission of the Government servants travelling allowance bill.
NOTES(1) The advance referred to in this clause is also permissible to Government servant who receives orders of transfer etc. during leave.
(2) Clause (a) above does not preclude the grant of a second advance to a Government servant to cover the travelling expenses of any member of his family who under note 2(a) to paragraph 42-II of the Travelling Allowance Rules in Financial Handbook, Volume III, follows him within six months from the date of his transfer etc., and in respect of whom an advance of travelling allowance has not already been drawn.
(3) Officers competent to sanction advances under this clause may sanction such advances for themselves also.
(4) When a single lump sum advance is drawn to cover the travelling expenses both of the Government servant himself and of his family, it may be adjusted by the submission of more than one bill if it so happens that the members of the Government servants family do not actually make or complete the journey with him. In such a case, the Government servant should certify on each adjustment bill submitted by him that a further bill in respect of the travelling allowance of the members of his family (to be specified) who have not yet completed the journey will be submitted in due course and is expected to include an amount not less than the balance of the advance left unadjusted in this bill.
(5) The advance of pay under this rule may be allowed to be drawn at the new station soon after the arrival of the Government servant there on production of the last-pay certificate showing that no advance was drawn at the old station.
(6) The amount of the advance to be recovered monthly should be fixed in whole rupees, the balance being recovered in the last instalment.
(7) No advance is admissible under clause (a) above in cases in which the transfer etc. of a Government servant does not involve a change of station.
(8) The word "pay" occurring in this paragraph is a general term and includes leave-salary.
(9) Recovery of the advance granted under this paragraphs should not commence until the Government servant concerned joins his new appointment and draws full months pay or and leave-salary.
(10) The amount of an advance of pay granted to a Government servant, transferred to service under a foreign employer should be reimbursed to Government by the foreign employer in lump sum by sending a cheque or demand draft in favour of the Audit Officer/Accounts Officer on whose records the advance is originally booked.
(11) An advance of pay to a Government servant on his reversion from foreign service should be granted by the foreign employer only with the concurrence of the authority competent to sanction the transfer of the Government servant to foreign service. As for its repayment to the foreign employer immediately on receipt of a demand from the foreign employer, duly supported by a copy of the cash receipt obtained from the Government servant concerned (which should be duly certified by the foreign employer) at the time of the payment of the advance, the competent authority should refund the total amount to the foreign employer by means of a bank draft. The recovery of the advance from the Government servant should be watched in the same manner as laid down under paragraph 249 (a).
(12) An advance of Travelling Allowance, which may be granted by a foreign employer to a Government servant on his reversion from foreign service, should be adjusted in the T.A. claim of the Government servant. Since this is to be borne by the foreign employer, the T.A. Bill should be sent direct to him by the Government servant.
(b) To any Government servant in the civil department provided no advance has been drawn under clause (a) above :
(i) on arrival in India on first appointment of an amount not exceeding two months substantive pay less the amount of any advance made in England;
(ii) on return from leave other than leave on average pay not exceeding four months or deputation out of India, not exceeding two months substantive pay or Rs. 1,000, whichever is less, in addition to any advance made in England.
N.B.In the case of Government servants recruited to the State specialist and subordinate services on or after January 1, 1936, the term "leave on average pay not exceeding four months" occurring in this rule shall be taken to mean "earned leave not exceeding 120 days."
NOTES(1) The advance may be drawn under the orders of the Accountant General from any Treasury in India to be specified in such orders. Such advances as well as similar advances made in England are recoverable by monthly instalments of one-third of pay fixed in whole rupees.
Exception(1) The recovery of an advance made under the leave rules of the Defence Department is regulated by those rules.
Exception(2) Special passage advances made in England by the High Commissioner for India at his discretion to enable Government servants to return to duty shall be recovered in 36 monthly instalments and bear interest at the usual rate for such advances, vide note 2 under paragraph 242.
(2) The whole or any portion of the pay due to a deceased Government servant at the time of his death may be withheld in or towards liquidation of any unadjusted advance of pay made to him in England.
No demand for repayment of an unadjusted advance of pay made in England (except where security has been required) should be made against the estate of a deceased Government servant ; but in exceptional circumstances e.g. when a deceased Government servant leaves no kin entitled to share in his estate, which therefore devolves on the Government as bona vacantia), an unadjusted portion of such an advance may, under the special orders of the Government, be recovered from the estate of the deceased person.
(3) When a Government servant on arrival in India on first appointment asks for an advance and produces no last-pay certificate, an advance may be granted by the Accountant General concerned on the Government servant furnishing declaration that he has not received any advance from the High Commissioner.
(c) (i) To a gazetted or a non-gazetted Government servant (including an inspecting officer) required to proceed on a prolonged tour in the interior places which are difficult of access, an advance not exceeding 90 per cent of the anticipated amount to cover his personal travelling expenses for a period not exceeding thirty days as well as his expenses on contingent charges arising out of the tour such as those for the hire of conveyance or animals for carriage of records, tents or Government property.
(ii) To a gazetted or a non-gazetted government servant, up to 90 per cent of the anticipated amount in cases of all journeys in respect of which travelling allowances is admissible as for journeys on tour.
Notes1. Heads of the offices are authorised to sanction advances mentioned in this rule. They may sanction such advances for themselves or any other gazetted officer in their own offices also provided the amount of the travelling allowance is not likely to be less than Rs. 200 (two hundred) at a time.
2. A second advance cannot be made to a Government servant until the first advance has been adjusted.
(C. S. no. 39, dated 20-1-1984)
[Finance (Acctts.) Sec. 1, File no. 15 (9)-72].
3. The amount of advance granted under this rule shall be adjusted within 15 days from the completion of tour or the date on which the government servant resumes duty after completion of tour."
(Correction Slip No. 100, dated 8-6-92)
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File No. 15(9)-72]
(d) To a Treasury Officer or Superintendent of Police for expenses connected with a remittance of treasure, to be adjusted when the duty is completed.
(e) For low-suits to which the Government is a party.
NOTEThe advances mentioned in clauses (c), (e) and (I) are treated as final charges, not as advances recoverable, and are to be drawn and accounted for as contingent charges or travelling expenses of the establishments.
(f) (Deleted).
(g) (Deleted).
(h) To Treasury Officers in districts where the cash transactions are conducted by the Bank two advances every month for the payment of petty pensions to pensioners of civil departments. In cases, however, where the amounts of advances cannot be determined accurately, more than two advances may be drawn according to the circumstances of each Treasury. Such advances should, however, be as few in number as possible.
NOTEFor the purposes of this rule pensions of Rs. 300 per mensem or under will be considered as petty.
(i) To district officer to meet expenses in connexion with the detection of excise cases, subject to monthly adjustment by the Accountant General on submission of a certified bill.
NOTEThe expenditure should be debited to the final head, viz. "8 State ExciseDistrict Executive EstablishmentAllowances and HonorariaRewards"; but the amount should be held under objection for want of a certified bill, and should on no account be allowed to remain unadjusted beyond the end of March each year.
(j) To recruits for the post of police constable by the Superintendent of Police an advance of pay not exceeding Rs. 100 in each case. The advance will be recoverable in five monthly installments as laid down in paragraph 396 of the Police Regulations.
[Rs. 100 substituted for Rs. 5 as per C. S. no. 15 dated 06-11-1981.]
[Vitta (Lekha)Anubhag -1 File no. 15(4)/1981]
(k) To a police officer by the Inspector General of Police on the conditions laid down in paragraph 470 of the Police Regulations an advance not exceeding Rs. 300 in amount to meet the expenses of his defence in connexion with civil or criminal proceedings instituted against him otherwise than by Government in respect of any act purporting to have been done in his official capacity. The advance will be recovered or adjusted against the amount, if any, which may, on the conclusion of the case, be sanctioned by Government for payment to the police officer under the provisions of paragraphs 470 (7) (e) and 470 (8) (j) of the Police Regulations. Simple interest at 5 per cent per annum will be charged on the balances outstanding on the last day of each month. At the time of sanctioning the advance, the Inspector General of Police will determine the amount of each monthly instalment in which, should the advance become recoverable, it will be refunded. The amount of each instalment should be in whole rupees except in the case of the last instalment and should be determined in such a way that, in the event, of full recovery being necessary, the number of instalments should be reasonable having regard to the amount of advance sanctioned and the monthly pay of the recipient. Interest will be recovered in one or more instalments of the same, or nearly the same, amount as the instalments of the principal after the principal has been completely recovered.
(l) To Superintendents of Police, up to a limit of Rs. 300 in each case of the districts mentioned below,* and up to limit of Rs. 150 in each case of the other districts of the State, to meet (i) urgent contingent charges, and (ii) the travelling allowance of non-gazetted police officers and men, deputed on duty to places outside their jurisdiction
(a) in the event of an emergency such as a communal riot or other disturbance of peace, or
(b) in connexion with dacoities or in other emergent cases.
The advance is subject to adjustment on the completion of duty or March 31, whichever is earlier.
(m) (i) To all Commandants, Provincial Pradeshik Constabulary Battalions, advances up to a limit of Rs. 300 to meet urgent contingent charges and traveling allowances of non-gazetted police officers and men in emergent cases.
(ii) Advances may also be made by the Commandant of a Pradeshik Armed Constabulary Battalion up to a limit of Rs. 400 to such company or detachment of another Battalion as may be posted within his jurisdiction, to meet the railway fare, etc. for journeys to another place in emergent cases. The money so advanced will be re-imbursed by the Commandant of the Battalion concerned through book adjustment.
(n) Deleted
(Correction Slip no. 40, dated 20-1-84).
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File no. 15(9)-72]
(o) (Deleted).
(p) To District Magistrates and Superintendents of Police for laying traps in bribery cases, subject to monthly adjustment by the Accountant General on submission of certified bill.
(q) To the Assistant Director Health Publicity, advance up to a limit of Rs. 300 in
*Saharanpur, Meerut, Aligarh, Agra, Bareilly, Moradabad, Kanpur, Allahabad, Jhansi, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Lucknow, Faizabad.
each case for meeting the contingent charges in connection with exhibitions. The advance is subject to adjustment within one month from the date of drawal or before March 31, whichever is earlier.
(r) To the Deputy Director incharge, Biological Products Section, Lucknow, temporary advances up to Rs. 800 (Rupees eight hundred only) for the purchase of live-stock, fodder and other consumable articles, only in such emergencies when the contractor fails to maintain the supplies. The amount spent in excess in making purchases from the open market should be debited against the contractor for which adequate security should be taken from the the contractor at the time of entering into the contract.
"The Deputy Director, Biological Products Section may draw an amount not exceeding Rs. 5,000 at one time for the purchase of Vaccine and Antigen from IVRI, Izat Nagar, or any other agency/firm. The advance should be adjusted before the end of the financial year.
(C. S. No. 58, dated March 24, 1986.
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File No. 15(2)/83.]
(s) To the Director of Fruit Utilization, temporary advances up to the maximum limit of rupees five thousand in each case for meeting contingent expenditure of emergent nature, such as cost of plants and chemicals, cost of transportation of plants and fruits cost of labour on field operations, etc., in respect of various units of the Directorate. The total amount of such advances should not exceed the budget allotment provided for the purpose during the financial year. These advances should be adjusted within a period of two months or before 31st March, whichever is earlier. They will be treated as final charges, not as advances recoverable, and are to be drawn and accounted for as contingent charges.
(t) To the Parivahan Ayukta, Uttar Pradesh, advances not exceeding Rs. 3,200 at a time, through contingent bills to meet expenses on conveying of motor vehicles purchased at out-stations. Within this limit the Convoy Commander may be given a basic advance of Rs. 200 plus an additional amount not exceeding Rs. 50 per vehicle for meeting the incidental charges. The advance so drawn should be adjusted within a period of two months from the date of drawal, but, in any case, not beyond the 31st March of the financial year in which the advance is drawn.
(u) To the Director of Agriculture, temporary advances up to Rs. 5,000 in each case for the purchase of bullocks for Government farms. These advances should be adjusted within a period of two months or before the close of the financial year, whichever is earlier.
(v) To the Director, Government Cement Factory, Churk, Mirzapur for making advance payment of estimated amount of custom duty and post charges is respect of such of the imported machinery for which suppliers of machinery insist on receiving advance payment of such charges before clearance from the port. The unspent balance of the advance will be refunded without delay.
(w) To All-India Service Officers, who are entitled to the leave travel conscession under the orders of Government, up to four-fifths of the estimated amount which Government would have to reimburse in respect of the cost of the journey both ways to the home town and back. Where the Government servant and members of his family avail themselves of the leave travel concession separately, i.e. at different times, the advance can be drawn separately to the extent admissible. The advance may be drawn for both the forward and the return journeys of the Government servant and/or the members of his family at the time of commencement of the forward journey, provided the period of leave taken by the Government servant or the period of anticipated absence of the members of the family does not exceed three months or 90 days. Where the period of leave or the period of absence exceeds three months or 90 days, the advance can be drawn for the forward journey only. When an advance has been drawn for both the forward and the return journeys and later it becomes clear that the period of absence either of the officer or of the officers family from headquarters is likely to exceed three months or 90 days, one half of the advance should be refunded to Government forthwith. Officers who are their own Controlling Officers for travelling allowance purposes, may sanction the advance to themselves. In the case of others, the sanction of the Controlling Officer would be required. The account of advance for leave travel journeys will be rendered after completion of the journeys in the same way as for an advance of travelling allowance on tour. The amount of the advance will be debited to the head of account to which the travelling allowance of the officer is finally debitable. The advance will have to be refunded forthwith, if the outward journey is not commenced within thirty days of the grant of the advances. The travelling allowance claim in adjustment of the advance should be prepared within one month of the completion of the return journey.
(x) To the Director of Agriculture for making advance payment to the U.P. State Electricity Board on account of service connection charges in connection with electrification of tube-wells at Government Agricultural Farms against the sanctioned estimates of works. The unspent balance of the advance will be refunded without delay.
(y) To Government servants in lieu of their leave salaries at the time of proceeding on leave. The advance will be payable only in cases of earned leave or leave on private affairs and in the case of Government servants governed by F.R. 81/S.R. 157, leave on average/half average pay without medical certificate for a period of not less than 30 days or one month, as the case may be, other than leave preparatory to retirement. It will be interest free. The amount of advance should not exceed the monthly pay together with dearness allowance / additional dearness allowance last drawn and should be in whole rupees; provided that if the period of leave exceeds 30 days or one month but does not exceed 120 days the advance may be sanctioned for the whole period of leave but drawn only for one month at a time.. Usual deductions will be made from the advance. The advance will be admissible to permanent as well as temporary Government servants, but in the case of temporary Government servants it will be subject to the additional conditions given in paragraph 242. The authority competent to sanction advances to Government servants under paragraph 249 (a) may sanction the advance in lieu of leave salary also. The authority may sanction such an advance for himself also. The advance will be adjusted in full in the first leave salary bill of the Government servant. If the full amount of the advance cannot be so adjusted, the balance will be recovered from the next payment of pay or/and leave salary.
[The correction incorporated vide correction slip no. 12 dated 30-07-1981]
[Vitta (Lekha)Anubhag -1 File no.3/1(4)/65]
NOTES(1) Accountant Generals authority for the drawal of the advances even by gazetted officers will not be required.
(2) The amount of advance should be drawn on the bill in the form in which the pay and allowances of the Government servant are drawn. The authority sanctioning the advance must be quoted in the bill.
(3) The amount should be classified under the final head of account to which the leave salary is debitable.
(4) The last pay certificate granted to a Government servant holding the advance shall specify the original amount of advance, amount repaid and the balance outstanding.
(z) To the Pradhanacharyas of Bahudhandhi and Pravidhik Prashikshan Kendra and Adhikshaks of Ashram Type Schools, temporary advance up to Rs. 2,500 for meeting tour expenses of students. The advance should be adjusted within two months of the date of its drawal or before the close of the financial year, whichever is earlier.
(aa) To the the Director, Deputy Director and Assistant Director of Fisheries up to the maximum limits of Rs. 5,000, Rs. 2,500 and Rs. 1,000 respectively in each case to meet the expenditure on fry collection work. The advance should be adjusted within a period of two months from the date of drawal or before the close of the financial year, whichever is earlier.
(bb) To the Soochna Nideshak, advances not exceeding Rs. 2,000 in each case for organising exhibitions and Kisan Melas of Soochana Nideshalaya. The advance should be adjusted within one month of the closing of these exhibitions and Kisan Melas or before March 31, which ever is earlier. The closing date of the exhibition/Mela for which the advance is drawn should be mentioned in the sanctioning order and any change in the closing date should be intimated to the Accountant General, Uttar Pradesh also.
249-A. The Inspector General of Police is empowered to sanction
(1) advances of pay for village chaukidars deputed to fairs and melas.
(2) advances up to a limit of Rs. 1,000 in each case to meet (i) urgent contingent charges, and (ii) the travelling expenses of non-gazetted police officers and men (a) in the event of an emergency, or (b) when large parties of police are deputed on duty to fairs and melas, or (c) when they are sent on dacoity patrols.
(3) advance equal to one months substantive pay and travelling allowance to head constables, naiks and constables required to attend any course of training or instructions at Moradabad or any other place. The advances of pay should be recovered from their pay in not more than nine equal monthly instalments beginning with the month in which full months pay is drawn after joining the course of training or instruction. The advance of travelling allowance should be recovered in full from the travelling allowance bill prepared immediately after their arrival to the place of training or instructions.
(4) temporary advances up to a limit of Rs. 10,000 (rupees ten thousand only) at a time to meet anticipated expenditure in connection with the movement of Special Police Force.
249-B. The Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Uttar Pradesh, is authorized to draw an advance every month approximating Rs. 36,500 to pay the wages of the industrial workers of the Government Press, by drawing with-in ten days of the date on which they are due to be paid in accordance with the requirements of section 5 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936. The advance will be adjusted subsequently within 15 days of its drawal by the submission of pay bills in accordance with the rules in Chapter VII.
249-C.The Secretary, Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh is authorised to draw temporary advances from time to time to the extent of the amount required for immediate disbursement at the rate of Rupees 2 per candidate for regular examinations and 25 paise per candidate for supplementary examinations, for meeting the expenses on examination centre charges, packages of question papers and parcels of answer books, etc. in connection with the High School and Intermediate exeminations of the Board, provided that the annual budget allotment for the purpose is not exceeded. These advances should be adjusted as early as possible but in any case not later than twelve month from the date of their drawal.
C. S. No. 107 Dated 16-10-99
[Vitta (Lekha) Anughag-1 File No. l5(1)/97]
249-D. The following officers of Agriculture Department are authorised to sanction advances up to a maximum limit of Rs. 10,000 in each case for their own offices as well as for offices subordinate to them for the purchase of such articles as cereal seeds, bhusa, gunny bags, fertilizers, manure, cotton and jute from the budget provision under the head 505Capital Outlay on Schemes of Agricultural Improvement and Research :
(1) All Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors of Agriculture in charge of Agricultural Regions.
(2) All Deputy Directors of Horticulture.
(3) Director, Horticulture Research Institute, Saharanpur.
(4) Horticulturist (class I) Fruit Research Station, Basti.
(5) Project OfficerDistrict Planning Officer, in charge of Intensive District Agriculture Programme, Aligarh.
The total amount of such advances sanctioned for each office should not exceed the amount allotted to the head of that office for the purpose by the Director of Agriculture in a financial year from the budget provision under the head. The amount of advance drawn on one bill should not exceed Rs. 2,000. The advances should be adjusted within a period of 2 months from the date of sanction or before March 31, whichever is earlier.
249-E. The Director of Industries is authorised to sanction drawal of temporary advances up to a maximum limit of Rs. 15,000 by him in respect of his own office and by the Zonal and Sub-Zonal Industries Officers in respect of other offices in their respective jurisdiction, for meeting contingent expenditure of emergent nature, such as payment of wages and railway freight (where railway credit notes are not accepted), purchase of Khadi yarn and wool, local purchase of articles when these are not available without cash payment and delivery of documents through banks where permissible. The total amount of such advances should not exceed the budget allotment provided for the purpose during the financial year. The advances should be adjusted within a period of two months or before March 31, whichever is earlier.
249-F The following officers of Animal Husbandry Department, are authorised to sanction temporary advances up to a maximum limit and for the purpose noted against them
(l) The Director and Deputy Directors of Animal Husbandry upto a maximum limit of Rupees 25,000 and Rupees 10,000, respectively, in each case, by themselves or by District Livestock officers, for the purchase of Livestock and award of prizes at cattle-shows.
(2) The Director and Additional Director, Animal Husbandry and the Principal, Veterinary college, Mathura, upto a maximum limit of Rupees 3000, for the purchase of foreign medicines and upto Rs. 100, for the purchase of apparatus and scientific instruments.
(3) Heads of offices upto a maximum limit of Rupees 500 for the purchase of foreign medicines.
The total amount of such advances should not exceed the budget allotment provided for the purpose during the financial year. Advances for the purchase of livestock, medicines apparatus and scientific instruments should be adjusted within a period of two months or before 31st March, whichever is earlier, and those for award of prize within, one month or before March 31, which-ever is earlier.
N.B. The amount of Rupees 100, occurring in sub-paragraph (2) above has been changed to Rupees 1000, vide G.O.A-1-2018 (i)/X-15(5)/81, Dt. 15.3.1982
(C. S. No. 14, Dated 25.9.1981 and C.S. No. Dated .04.02.83)
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1 File No.15(5)/1981]
249-G. The Secretary, Legislature, is authorised to sanction drawal of temporary advances up to the maximum limit of rupees fifty thousand only on any one occasion for disbursement of travelling allowances and daily allowance to the Members of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of the State for attending the meetings of the House as also for attending the meetings of the various Committees of the Legislature. The total amount of such advances should not exceed the budget provisions for the purpose during the financial year. These advances will be drawn from the head of account to which the expenditure is finally debitable. The advances should be adjusted within a period of two months from the date of drawl or before the close of the financial year in which the advance is drawn, whichever is earlier.
A certificate should be given by the officer drawing the bill on every such advance bills as follows :
"Certified that all the advances, whether sanctioned by the Secretary, Legislature or by Government, drawn from the Treasury, except those drawn during the last two preceding months, have been fully adjusted and the adjustment bills forwarded to the Accountant General."
249-H. The Departments concerned are authorised to draw advance to the extent of amount required for immediate disbursement of travelling allowance claim of the non-official members of the Committees Commissions, including members of Parliament and State Legislature, appointed by the Government for attending its meetings. The advance will be drawn on a simple receipt on Travelling Allowance Bill form by debit to final head of account, as in the case of advance of Travelling Allowance on tour, after getting the sanction of the competent authority, attaching a copy thereof to the bill. The amount to be drawn in advance should be worked out on the basis of the entitlements of the Travelling Allowance, as admissible to Government servants of First Class vide Para 16 of Financial Handbook, Volume III, to each such member who is expected to attend the meeting and it should be restricted to the amount required for disbursement of Travelling Allowance claim for each meeting. The bills prepared and signed by the members will be countersigned by the officer authorised in this behalf and payment made on the last day of the meeting by the department concerned out of the advance drawn for the purpose. These bills will be carefully scrutinised by the department concerned before making the payment. Daily Allowance may be claimed in the bill for the full period admissible. The Travelling Allowance for onward journey and return journey will be included in the bill and the payment will be treated as final irrespective of the date of completion of the journey. However, the department concerned will obtain a formal intimation to the effect that the return journey has in fact been completed. Necessary action will immediately be taken to recover the amount of overpayments, if any, made on account of travelling allowance. It is to be understood that the certificate to be furnished by the non-officials in connection with their claim should be in conformity with the certificates furnished by gazetted officers along with their travelling allowance bills. In order to enable the Accountant General to scrutinise the travelling allowance bill of non-official members of the Committees and Commissions etc. the names, designations and specimen signatures of the officers authorised to countersign the travelling allowance bills should be communicated to him. After the amount is disbursed to the members, the department concerned should render an account setting forth the particulars of the amount of travelling allowance drawn in advance from the treasury, giving reference to Voucher Number and date of the encashment of the bill and the amount disbursed to each individual member who attended the meeting, duly supported by the competent authority. Amounts drawn in Excess, if any, should be immediately refunded to the Treasury and the chalan enclosed alongwith the account rendered to the Accountant General. It should also be ensured that a second advance is not drawn unless the account of the first advance has been rendered to the Accountant General.
( Correction Slip No. 7, dated August 21, 1980 )
[ Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File No. 10 (43) 1974 ]
249-IFor the purchase of petrol diesel for Government vehicles in cash, the Heads of Departments and Heads of Offices may draw advance according to the actual requirement for a maximum period of one month subject to the condition that the amount of advance drawn at a time shall not exceed Rs. 25,000. The Officer drawing the advance for making cash payment to the suppliers of petrol or diesel shall be responsible for its adjustment for which purpose he will send a detailed contingent bill to the Accountant General Controlling Officer within a period of one month from the date of drawal of advance or before March 31, which ever is earlier. The second advance may not be drawn unless the amount previously drawn has been fully utilized and adjusted. The following certificate must be recorded on each such bill for the advance.
"Certified that the amount of Rs...................... drawn as advance through the abstract contingent bill no .........................dated ..............................has been adjusted vide detailed contingent bill no.....................dated ..................................and the adjustment bill sent to the Accountant-General.
It may also be ensured that the total expenditure does not exceed the amount provided for the purpose in the budget of the concerned financial year.
(Correction Slip No. 55 dated 24-5-1985).
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-I, File No. 15/1 (1)-69.]
249-JThe amount required for making 90 per cent payment of the cost of articles through banks as provided in rule 12 (1) (b) of the Appendix XVIII of this volume, may be drawn as advance on the basis of the intimation received from the bank/supplier. The amount so drawn must be adjusted with in thirty days after the supplies have been received and verified.
C. S. No. 58 Dated 8-5-1986
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag, File No.23 (6)/80 ]
249-K. The Director U.P. State Lotteries is authorised to sanction drawal of temporary advance up to a maximum limit of Rs. 5,000 on any one occasion to meet urgent contingent expenditure in connection with the U.P. State Lottery draws. The advance should be adjusted within a period of one month from the date of drawal or before 31st March; whichever is earlier. The second advance may not be drawn unless the amount previously drawn has been fully utilised and adjusted.
It may also be ensured that the total amount of such advances should not exceed the budget allotment provided for the purpose during the financial year.
(C. S. No. 80, dated 23-12-87)
[Vitta (Lekha) Anubhag-1, File no. 15 (7)/80]