262. Works are primarily divided into two classes "Original works" and "Repairs or maintenance." Original works include all new constructions whether of entirely new works or of additions and alterations to existing works which increase the capital cost of a building or work. Repairs to newly purchased or previously abandoned buildings required to render them useable are also original works.
Repairs or maintenance includes all operations required to maintain in proper condition buildings and works in ordinary use.
A petty work is one the cost of which does not exceed Rs. 20,000, a minor work is one the cost of which exceeds Rs. 20,000, but does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000 and a major works is one the cost of which exceeds Rs. 1,00,000.
Petty and minor electrical works are defined in paragraph 277.
NOTES(1) In the case of mixed estimates, if the amount debitable to the "Original Works" portion of the estimate is Rs. 20,000 or less then it should be treated as a petty work and not minor work although the total cost of such mixed work (including repairs) might exceed Rs. 20,000 and the departmental head should be responsible for the execution of such mixed work and for finding funds for the purpose from their own budgets. When the original works portion of a mixed estimate exceeds Rs. 20,000 then it should be treated as a minor work and the whole work including repairs should be entrusted to the Public Works Department for execution. Provision for such works should be made in the Public Works Department budget both under "Original Works" and "Repairs."
(2) When an existing building is to be re-modelled or a portion thereof is to be replaced, then, if a type of construction or material of a more costly nature than that which previously existed is to be adopted or if the proposed reconstruction will result in an increase of accommodation, only one estimate will be prepared but the estimate will be a mixed estimate part of which is chargeable to "Original Works" and part to "repairs." The amount to be charged to "Original Works" will be the total estimated cost of the work minus the original cost (estimated, if necessary) of that portion of the building which has been replaced.
ExceptionWhen in any one estimate, the amount chargeable to "Original Works" is less than Rs. 2,000 the whole of the expenditure may be charged to repairs ; provided that if the work relates to a residential building the amount which is correctly chargeable to "Original Works" is added to capital value and taken into account in calculating the rent.
263. In the rules in this chapter, the term "local officer" denotes the district or local head of a department or office other than the Public Works Department [e.g. the District Officer, the Superintendent of Police], who is responsible for the maintenance in proper conditions of Government buildings belonging to his department and for the execution of works relating to such buildings. The Government will decide which particular Government servant will exercise the functions of the local officer in respect of particular buildings.
NOTEIn case a local officer is himself the head of his department, the functions of both the local officer and head of department under the rules in this chapter will be discharged by him.