
292. (a) All petty works will ordinarily be initiated by the Head of a Department concerned but no petty works involving additions and alterations to building of architectural importance or buildings such as courts, colleges, schools kotwalis, etc. shall be sanctioned by the Head of a Department without the previous approval of the Chief Engineer, Public Works Department to whom such proposals should be submitted before final sanction is accorded. All estimates for petty works will be sanctioned by the Head of the Department unless he exercises the option permitted in paragraph 293. In the latter case the estimates will be sanctioned by the local officer himself. The sanctioning authority will send one copy of his sanction to the Accountant General and, if the sanctioning authority is the Head of the Department, one copy to the local officer.

(b) The estimates for petty works relating to residential buildings should be submitted for the sanction of Government in the administrative department concerned (see paragraph 279).

NOTE—Estimates for petty works relating to those residential buildings of the Police and Jail Departments, for which rent is not charged and which are not borne, on the capital and revenue accounts and are not occupied by any gazetted officer are not required to be submitted to Government for administrative approval, provided prior sanction of Government will be obtained in a case in which the expenditure on petty works is likely to exceed the permissible limit of the capital cost prescribed for the residence.

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