Drawal of Money from Treasuries
310. For all petty works and repairs abstract bills in Form no. 32 should be used for drawing advances from Treasuries, to be paid to disbursing officers or to contractors. These should be accompanied monthly by detailed bills in Form no. 33. The procedure for the preparation and submission of abstract and detailed bills will be the same as are prescribed in Chapter VIII for contingent expenditure countersigned after payment. Full details giving the name of the building and showing quantities and rates should be furnished for each kind of materials supplied or for each item of work done and payees receipts should be furnished for payments exceeding Rs. 25.
NOTES(1) Receipts in a language other than Hindi or English for sums between Rs. 25 and Rs. 100, received in connection with petty and minor works and repairs carried out by the Police, need not be translated into English or Hindi as required by paragraphs 47(b) and 51 [see note to paragraph 47 (b) and note 2 to paragraph 51].
(2) In connection with petty works and repairs carried out by the Police, the Station Officer or other officer-in-charge of the work or repairs may continue to use Police Form no. 197 (imprest account form). When the work or repairs have been executed, the Police Officer will, in addition to the form mentioned, complete a detailed bill of expenditure in triplicate, in Form no. 33-A, prescribed for the purpose. The Police accountant will attach to contingent bill in Form no. 33 consolidated by him one copy from each Police Station concerned of Form no. 33-A and all receipts for sums exceeding Rs. 1000, and submit all these papers to the Accountant General.