(See paragraph 306)

The percentage charges at an uniform rate of 15 (fifteen) per cent shall be levied on all classes of contribution works undertaken by the Public Works and Irrigation Department on behalf of Commercial departments, local and private bodies, and private persons in this State. They do not, however, apply to works undertaken on behalf of other Governments.

2. The total fee to be charged, i.e. 15 per cent by the Government for services rendered shall, where necessary, be further sub-divided as follows :

Total fee

15 Per cent

Preliminary plans and approximate estimates (chargeable to establishment) only.

Complete plans and detailed estimates (including charge for preliminary estimates) (chargeable to establishment) only.


Execution of works including Audit


3. These rates will be periodically reviewed by the Chief Engineers, Public Works and Irrigation Departments. For this purpose they should maintain separate, accounts of the transactions connected with contribution works, and submit a report to Government annually showing whether the revised rates now introduced are justified.

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