In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (2) of Article 283 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Uttar Pradesh is pleased to make the following general rules relating to discretionary grants by the following general rules relating to discretionary grants by the Chief Minister/A Cabinet Minister, Uttar Pradesh :—

1. Subject to the vote of the State Legislature, an allotment may be placed annually at the disposal of the Chief Minister/A Cabinet Minister, Uttar Pradesh, for sanctioning grants, at the discretion of the Minister, to individuals or institutions for purposes specified in the rules framed by concerned departments. The allotment shall not be supplemented by re-appropriation of funds from any other provision in the Budget.

2. The concerned Administrative Department shall frame detailed rules mentioning the purposes and conditions governing expenditure from the discretionary grant with the concurrence of Finance Department which should contain the following general conditions :—

(a) Grants may be sanctioned to individuals or institutions which deserve assistance from public funds.

(b) The grants shall be of non-recurring nature. It is also not intended that any subscription of a purely private nature should be met out of the discretionary grant.

(c) The rules should clearly specify the items and purposes for which a grant may be sanctioned. It should be ensured that grants are not sanctioned for such purposes or items for which specific provision exists in the normal budget.

(d) A maximum monetory limit should be laid down for an individual grant.

(e) All expenditure from the grant shall be subject to audit by the Accountant General, Uttar Pradesh, to whom a copy of the order sanctioning the grant and the payee’s receipt (Stamped if necessary) shall be furnished by the department concerned.

(f) An officer of the department should be nominated, who shall inspect the accounts of the grantee in cases where the amount of the grant is Rs. 1,000 or above.

(g) Before releasing a grant the Administrative Department shall obtain from the grantee, a certificate to the effect that the grantee has not received or applied for similar assistance out of the discretionary grant at the disposal of any other Minister of the State Government.

(h) The grant should be utilized by the grantee within the specified period from the date of its drawal, failing which the grant or the unspent portion thereof, as the case may be, shall be refunded to the State Government in one lump sum.

(i) The department concerned shall on or before September 30, of the year following that to which the grant relates, forward to the Audit office a proper utilization certificate showing whether the conditions and purposes of the grant have been duly fulfilled.

(j) No grant or expenditure shall be sanctioned from the discretionary grant three months prior to a General election or a bye-election. In the case of a bye-election this rule will apply to such grants only which are payable within the concerned constituency.

3. The orders sanctioning payment of grants will issue from the Administrative Department who shall also maintain proper accounts in this behalf. A copy of each such order shall be sent by that Department to the Audit Office under its own signature.

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